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文(wén)章出處:未知責任編輯:admin人氣:發表時間:2015-12-25 10:03【 小(xiǎo)
Exhibition must be in view of the majority of people is not certain, if only for a home or a few people appreciate this unit interior, will not be counted as exhibition. Exhibition of works can be published works also can be unpublished work.
If an unpublished work for exhibition, involving the exercise of the right of publication. The right to make laws in our country, the licensing exhibition unpublished works, shall be presumed exhibition of people at the same time the work of publication. Therefore, for an unpublished work, exhibition and publication is can exercise at the same time.
Fine arts, photography and other works of the rights and property rights or the rights and citizens' personal rights sometimes overlap. When art and photography of the original rights respectively belong to different real right to make the person, right of exhibition, although the property rights, but when the exercise must works with carrier to achieve.
Thus inevitably the restriction of the original works property rights. The copyright law in our country, after the transfers the ownership of the original works of fine art, exhibition right shall belong to the ownership of the original works.
, should be paid attention to at the same time, the right to exercise works exhibition should be coordinated with image rights, the right of privacy. If the content of the work involved in the privacy of others, in the exhibition should be paid attention to when the work is forbidden to violate the privacy of others.
