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簡單分(fēn)析戶外廣告的特點[12-25 10:25]
戶外廣告使用(yòng)不同的方式和地點來獲取客戶的注意。廣告牌,電(diàn)梯,展覽會是一種更直接有效的傳遞公司信息的方式。 Outdoor advertising use different way and place to get the attention of the customer. Billboards, elevators, the exhibition is a more
戶外廣告與廣播廣告的不同特點[12-25 10:24]
戶外廣告的特點: The characteristics of outdoor advertising: 戶外廣告使用(yòng)不同的方式和地點來獲取客戶的注意。廣告牌,電(diàn)梯,展覽會是一種更直接有效的傳遞公司信息的方式。 Outdoor advertising use different way and place to get the attention of t
濟南展台設計的幾點要求[12-25 10:23]
1、要有醒目标志(zhì) 1, have eye-catching marks 與衆不同能(néng)吸引更多(duō)的參觀者,便參觀更容易識别尋找,使走進展台的參觀者也會留下印象,并在後會被觸及回憶。設計要獨特,但是不要脫離展出目标和商業形象。濟南展覽展示 Different can attract more visitors,
展台搭建要留意公司LOGO[12-25 10:17]
展台搭建要留意LOGO。消息上每每會聽到某某名牌在外洋被搶注的事變。便是說你在中國(guó)注冊了,然則外洋沒注冊,他(tā)人在外洋注冊了,那他(tā)人就具有版權了。濟南展覽展示 Booth to pay more attention to the LOGO. Messages every time I hear someone famous bra
關于展示的基本概念的介紹[12-25 10:16]
展示是展現和觀看,即把事物(wù)展現出來供人觀看。濟南展覽展示 Display is to show and watch, that is, to take things unfold for people to watch. 展示是展和示的複合詞。展有轉動、伸張或放開、延伸、陳列、察看、确實等多(duō)種語義。 Show is fair and in c
寫真噴繪需要的材料有哪些[12-25 10:15]
1、框面闆:具有較強的裝(zhuāng)飾性,重要以畫框的情勢顯現。 1, frame panel: strong decorative, important to frame the situation revealed. 2、PP膠片:材質(zhì)精(jīng)度比力高,具有可(kě)以重複利用(yòng)的特點。濟南展覽展示 2, PP film: material accuracy higher than pow
舉辦會展活動的需注意的五點事項[12-25 10:14]
舉辦會展活動的需注意的五點事項:Convention and exhibition activities need to pay attention to the five items:1、公衆(參與者),即有某種期望或需求的參加入土;1, the public (participants), that is, there is some wants or needs to participate i
展品是展示活動的基礎和依托[12-25 10:12]
展品是展示活動的基礎和依托,是展示内容的載體(tǐ),也是展示目的和任務(wù)的具體(tǐ)體(tǐ)現。一般來說,在展示場所陳列出來供觀衆參觀的物(wù)品,統稱為(wèi)展品。 Exhibits is the basis of the presentation and the backing, is the carrier of display content, also show
講解展會的搭建布局特點[12-25 10:11]
講解展會的搭建布局特點: The construction of the interpretation of the exhibition layout features: 由于攤位上具有很(hěn)大的局限性,不管你有多(duō)少的産品都是局限在這個空間之中。濟南展覽展示 Because the stalls has significant limitations, no matter
濟南展覽展示講解展台燈光的幾種分(fēn)類[12-25 10:10]
濟南展覽展示講解展台燈光的幾種分(fēn)類: Jinan exhibition on booth lights of several categories: 柱光(又稱側光):自台口内兩側投射的光,首要用(yòng)于人物(wù)或景物(wù)的兩旁邊面照明,添加立體(tǐ)感、輪廓感。 Column (also called side light) : light on both sid
選擇展會要考慮是否專業化[12-25 10:09]
選擇展會要考慮是否專業化:一些企業在選擇展會時,往往會以業内的大企業作(zuò)為(wèi)自己評判的标杆,奉行精(jīng)品路線(xiàn),非大展名展不入,這也不完全合理(lǐ)。濟南展覽展示 Choose professional exhibition to consider whether: when choosing the exhibition, some enter
濟南展覽展示講解展台搭建設計的三大要點[12-25 10:07]
濟南展覽展示講解展台搭建設計的三大要點: Jinan exhibition on booth design of three main points: 1、大的隔斷通常出于安(ān)全考慮會采用(yòng)鋼木(mù)混合結構,因為(wèi)高度較高或是承重都需要強度大的骨架。有些展會經常看到倒塌的結構,或搖晃的二樓,都是因為(wèi)缺乏支
濟南展覽展示有限公司講解展覽權的闡述[12-25 10:03]
展覽必須是針對不特定的多(duō)數人,如果僅是供家庭或本單位内部少數人欣賞,則不能(néng)算作(zuò)展覽.展覽的作(zuò)品可(kě)以是已發表的作(zuò)品也可(kě)以是未發表的作(zuò)品. Exhibition must be in view of the majority of people is not certain, if only for a home or a few people appr
    共 1 頁 13條記錄





地址:濟南美裏新(xīn)湖(hú)沙工業園商業街(jiē) (金銮對面)